Multiple miscarriages is a heartbreaking experience to live through and as a Naturopathic Doctor with a clinical focus on fertility and prenatal health, it's important that I work with clients to do everything possible to increase chances of a healthy pregnancy.
New research has shed some light on possible ways to help prevent miscarriages in women trying to conceive.
Researchers found that women with a history of recurring miscarriages had higher levels of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in their blood, more pro-inflammatory cytokines (inflammation) in their endometrial tissue and a statistically higher prevalence of intestinal permeability compared to healthy women.
So what does all of this mean for you?
If you are currently trying to conceive or thinking of conception in your near future, it's a good idea to ensure that your inflammation levels are low and perhaps focusing on digestive health.
Intestinal permeability creates an environment in the gut where pathogens-derived proteins (like LPS) can pass into the blood circulation, therefore inducing an inflammatory activation. This can happen if the cells that line the intestines are inflamed or damaged themselves. These cells that are usually very tight together create 'leaks' that allow for proteins to pass through that wouldn't have otherwise.
Sometimes intestinal permeability can go unnoticed, and other times clients will complain of symptoms such as inconsistent bowel movements, bloating, gas, or slightly uncomfortable digestion. Eating a diet high in processed foods, sugar or taking pharmaceuticals can create damage to the intestinal lining.
Naturopathic Doctors can order testing to assess intestinal permeability and create a plan to help repair gut tissue before you conceive. If you've struggled with recurrent miscarriage, contact us to see if we would be a helpful part of your health team.
Dr. Jada