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Root Down To Rise Up Event

you've been sitting with this desire for a long time...

You keep thinking, “Soon...”

“I’ll get to it. Once I feel better.  When I have more time. If I get that new job. Once I find a partner. When the kids are a bit older.”


Time passes. Seasons after season a new resistance emerges.

This holding pattern feeds a growing lack of belief, in yourself, and in the possibility for change. You feel frustrated, sad and lonely.


It causes sleepless nights, your heart to race, a heaviness in your stomach and tension in your chest.


It’s time.


It’s time.


For the shift- in circumstance, in perspective, in how you feel.

To unhook from that particular thread of hurt, belief or trauma that you carry, or inherited.

To go deep and slow into the inner work you are ready to do.

To commitment to yourself.

To create and receive.

It’s time to be the author of your story.


You know what you want.

You believe things can be better, and that by healing yourself you will connect more deeply with who you are.

You want to be guided and supported through a process that will create space for growth, provide tools for healing and soul nourishment, opportunity for self exploration, and action steps to keep you moving towards your dreams..

And you know that there is medicine that comes from gathering in community with people who are choosing to do their own work.


Why create Root Down to Rise Up Series?


We have been you. We are you.

We have struggled with embracing change, finding ourselves stuck, bumping up (repeatedly) against resistance, and fear, and doubt.

We have earned a few valuable lessons.

Which we will pass on to you in hopes that it serves you.


We created what we wish had been there for us when we needed support, community and healing tools to help us tap into our inner resources


This will be a deepening, a rooting down into who you are, so that you can connect to the power and richness within you.

With increasing self knowledge you will then be able to rise.

It’s the most important work we are here to do. Because as we heal ourselves, we also heal those before us, after us and who are in our presence.

We take the rest of the world with us.

But it always begins with us.


If this sounds like you, we invite you to join us for our 3-part series.


Root to Rise is designed to be a series of workshops that build upon each other and foster a supportive, like-minded community.


Each session acts as a touchstone and anchoring into your experience. We come together every 4 months, embracing the energy and wisdom of the seasons.

The time between workshops provides a chance to fully integrate the healing and tools into your life, and build upon your foundations.


We know that lasting and deep healing comes from being receptive to learning, a willingness to do the work, and to choose courage.


We liken the process of change to a garden. Nature demonstrates the dynamic cycles of growth, harvest, death and renewal. Sara and Jada will offer you tools and healing experiences to help you tap into this wisdom and your innate resources; your inner garden. We will focus on what you need to heal and release (and how to do it!), envision what you want to create, develop daily rituals and habits for nourishment, and encourage your dreams to come to fruition.



Session One: Season of Planting

May 11th 2019

Location: Yoga Attic

1461 Erbmill Lane, Greely, Ontario, K0A 2P0

9:30 am - 4:30 pm 


“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.”― Alexander Den Heijer


In the Spring begins a season of rapid growth. As the weather shifts, we begin to feel and witness the energy of renewal around us. We experience this as a desire to “clean up” and “make space” in our lives for new opportunities. If we desire healthy fruit and harvest, it begins with healthy soil. You'll get unstuck from old patterns and habits that may be holding you back. We do some of the hard work of looking at ourselves honestly, and bringing in the art of self-compassion and healing to help break-free from stagnation. Once the soil is nutrient-rich for your seeds, you will plant intentionally, to create the life you’ve been craving. We’ll discuss ways to care for your body as your consciousness does the work of germinating those seeds!



Session Two: Season of Harvest

October 5th, 2019

Location: Misiwe Ni Relations Healing Lodge

1249 Dozois Rd Manotick, Ontario, K4M 0E2

9:30 am - 4:30 pm 



“Love is like a precious plant. You can't just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it's going to get on by itself. You've got to keep on watering it. You've got to really look after it and nurture it.” ― John Lennon


The second part of our series is opening up to receiving the bounty of your harvest.

We take inventory of what you have created, ensuring you are open to receive all that is coming your way.  Journeys will be utilized to help you open your heart to what you want to cultivate for long-term growth, therefore, we’ll also begin to plant seeds for the future; perennials. The Fall is also a season of letting go of what has run its course, and we’ll mirror that in our work together. Our focus will be on cultivating healthy self-worth, boundaries and forgiveness.



Session Three: Season of Rest and Renewal

January 25th, 2020

Location: Yoga Attic

1461 Erbmill Lane, Greely, Ontario, K0A 2P0

9:30 am - 4:30 pm



"You can't run from your roots." - Stewart O'Nan"


During the final session we will direct our energies to the underground - where there is so much life happening during the winter months. This will be a special session of digging deeper than previous times to excavate any subconscious patterns that may keep you from flourishing. Unless we do the hard work of going deeper into the subconcious world to extract old habit patterns, we may always feel slightly stuck, like we aren't in control of our lives. Healing these old ways of showing up in our lives can allow for our dreams to grow deeper roots. We'll focus on healing for long-term change + rest and renewal processes to allow our excavation work to have the space for integration. 


each full-day 
for the entire series

Cost includes delicious snacks and a full lunch each workshop day.

Who are we?

Dr. Jada is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor, Birth Doula and Energy Healer. She has studied Algonquin Medicine Healing and recieved her Medicine Rites from Algonquin Shaman, Pete Bernard of Pikwakanagan First Nation, Golden Lake and the 8th Fire School of Shamanism..


Her approach to guiding her clients towards better health primarily involves stimulating the body's natural, innate healing ability as well as ensuring all aspects of health are addressed: Mind Body Spirit. She has a special place in her heart for helping clients break-free from emotional, energetic or spiritual patterns that are keeping them stuck and unfulfilled. 

Sara Dubeau is passionate about helping people strengthen their bodies, connect more profoundly with their innate wisdom, cultivate resonant relationships, and own their personal power - so that they can share their creativity, warm hearts and good work with the world. To this work, she brings my clinical experience as a Dynamic Medicine Practitioner with a formal education in holistic health and remediation from the Hahnemann College for Heilkunst. In addition to being a practitioner, she is also the co-founder of, The Way of the Spirited Woman. Sara really walks the talk, is an excellent teacher, inspires her clients and asks the perfect questions!


We come to you.

Want your own private tea party with a Naturopath? 



Learn more about Naturopathic Medicine and have your questions answered in the comfort of your own home


Our Naturopathic Doctor will provide an informal, but informative presentation on a topic of your choice. She'll also bring the tea, of course! 


As the host, you invite a group of friends, family or colleagues into your home, whom you think may be interested in a fun, low-key learning experience. The Naturopath will discuss the topic of your choice. They welcome an interactive gathering and encourages lots of questions!


Choose one the following topics:

  • Naturopathic Medicine and How It Can Best Help You 

  • Simple, Everyday Strategies to Reduce Stress

  • Your Home-Remedy Kit: The Essentials for Cold & Flu

  • Sleep Hygiene: How to Get Your Best Night's Sleep

  • Nutrition 101: The Basics of Good Health

Investment: $15.00 per person with a minimum of 4 people.

Steep yourself in good health

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